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NAME: Pickles

SEX: Male


MORPH: Yellow phantom, white walls

BREEDER: Geeks&Geckos



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Pickles: Imprint

Pickles's album

Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles at 10 grams
Pickles: Gallery

Pickles is our lovely third generation holdback! I was very surprised when this handsome fella hatched. Those white walls were already breathtaking from the moment I first saw him. This combined with him being a phantom, makes him hell of an oddball and the beginning of our yellow porthole project!

Pickles: Text

Pickles's lineage

Being a third generation baby, we can proudly say Pickles is Geeks&Geckos lineage. Pickles is the result of our own bred yellow female Mozzarella and the handsome red tricolor harlequin Jar Jar. Both their parents can be found in their own section on this website.

Pickles: Merchandise
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